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What is Tube Settler?

Feb. 26, 2024

Water treatment is a critical process in ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water. Among the various technologies employed in water treatment plants, tube settlers play a significant role in optimizing the settling process and improving overall efficiency.

PP Blue Tube Settler

What is a Tube Settler?

A tube settler is a type of water treatment device designed to facilitate the settling of suspended solids in water. It consists of lightweight PVC tubes arranged in a parallel configuration, with adjacent tubes joined at an angle of 60 degrees. This unique design maximizes the surface area available for particle settling while minimizing the footprint of the settler unit.

Enhancing Settling Efficiency

The primary function of a tube settler is to increase the settling area within a clarifier or sedimentation tank. As water flows through the inclined tubes, suspended particles collide with the tube surfaces and gradually settle to the bottom of the tank under the influence of gravity. By providing multiple settling surfaces in a compact arrangement, tube settlers significantly enhance the efficiency of the sedimentation process.

Differentiation from Plate Settlers

While tube settlers and plate settlers serve similar functions in water treatment, they differ significantly in their design and operating principles. Plate settlers consist of inclined plates arranged vertically within a tank, whereas tube settlers utilize horizontal tubes placed at an angle. Despite these differences, both technologies aim to improve sedimentation by maximizing the surface area available for particle settling.

Advantages of Tube Settlers

Tube settlers offer several advantages over traditional settling methods:

High Surface Area: The unique design of tube settlers provides a larger surface area for particle settling compared to conventional sedimentation tanks, leading to improved clarification efficiency.

Compact Footprint: By utilizing inclined tubes, tube settlers achieve higher settling rates while occupying less space, making them ideal for retrofitting existing treatment plants or implementing in constrained areas.

Low Maintenance: Constructed from lightweight PVC materials, tube settlers are easy to install and require minimal maintenance, reducing operational costs and downtime.

Scalability: Tube settlers can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate varying flow rates and treatment capacities, offering flexibility in plant design and operation.

Applications of Tube Settlers

Tube settlers find widespread application in various water treatment processes, including:

Potable Water Treatment: Improving sedimentation in drinking water treatment plants to meet regulatory standards for water quality.

Wastewater Treatment: Enhancing solids removal and clarification in wastewater treatment facilities to facilitate the reuse or discharge of treated effluent.

Industrial Water Treatment: Optimizing sedimentation in industrial processes such as mining, food processing, and chemical manufacturing to maintain process efficiency and compliance.


In summary, tube settlers are indispensable components of modern water treatment systems, offering efficient and cost-effective solutions for solids separation and clarification. Their innovative design and operational advantages make them a preferred choice for enhancing settling processes in a wide range of applications.

For inquiries about tube settlers or to find a reliable supplier, please contact us.