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Aquarium Sponge Filter for Fishery

Jun. 05, 2020

In fishery industry, most important thing is to keep your fish happy, how can they be happy?

Aquarium Sponge Filter for Fishery

Yup, give them a comptable living environment.

Then sponge filters are good choice for you. Sponge filter provide both mechanical and biological filtration also the air infusion chamber produces minute bubbles which increase the oxygen solubility.

How does it work?

A sponge filter uses bubbles of air from an external air pump, or an integral water pump to draw water through the sponge.

As water is drawn out through the life tube or pump, it is replaced by water entering the sponge.

The surface of all the bubbles or pockets in the sponge provides a bed for the bacteria of a biological filter.

The bacteria help to break down harmful waste(ammonia and nitrite).

Water maintenance does it require?

The sponge will need to be rinsed every time it becomes dirty, about once every 2 to 4 weeks. It’s helpful to reserve the beneficial bacteria by washing the songe gently with water from the fish tank instead of tap water.

After 3 to 6 months’ usage the micro holes of sponge is gradually clogged by the tiny debris, the benefical bacteria won’t have as much living spce as before.